
Blogger vs Wordpress

Both of them are usefull for wrtiting posts, pages and blogs. On both of them you can comment in the section below the blogs and in both of them you can decorate your blog.  Because at the end, both of them are websites for creating a blog. But I prefer Blogger than Wordpress because of many reasons.  First of all, Blogger is more popular and easier to find than Wordpress. In Blogger, you feel more comfortable because everything is more organized and you can find the setting you want easier than in Wordpress.  Also, when you are in Blogger, writing a page, post, or anything you want, all the settings you want are visible and easier to find than in Wordpress.  For me, to find the "layout" section on Wordpress was difficult and, unlike Blogger, here it dosen't save your posts or your pages. That's why I prefer Blogger than Wordpress


My vacations were not the most interesting at all, they were simple, calm and nice. Just to relax a little bit and rest a lot of everything. Forget all jobs and focus at yourself. You know, I just went to some restaurants to eat again all my favorite foods and drinks like the pozole, that is like a soup but with chickpeas, a piece of meat and vegetables.  Also my uncle from Switzerland came to visit us and we learn from it's culture even more things that we expected, we had a lot of fun spending time with him, unfortunately he had to return to his home. The rest of my vacations, as I said at the begining of this text, were spending time watching series at Netflix (a tv tool) and sleep a lot.

I am thankful for...

There are many things that I am thankful for, but only 80 words aren't enough to write them all. So, I will write just the most important things I am thankuful for First of all, I am thankful for being in a society were people treat me well, they respect me and show so much affection for me. Also I am thankful for having grandparents, siblings and a father that always stay with me at bad and good moments, because without them I would be nothing.

An important event of my life

When I was much younger than today, like when I was 8 or 7 years old, it happened a very important event of my life.  I was in 3rd grade of elementary school, in which I got many good grades and many congratulations from my teachers and parents. I was presenting my final project that I was working on during that period of time in that grade. Fortunadely the project was a sucess.  I felt very happy for that goal, one of my most important ones. For dinner, my mom, my siblings and I prepared a turkey for the family. At the time we start eating, my grandfathers came to my house and ate with ous. Everthing was going well. Nothing bad happens at that period of time, until my grandfathers left my home my mother called me and my siblings one by one. First, she called my brother, then she called my sister, and finally she called me. She told me that "Please, promise that I have to always love her". I was confused but anyway I told her that I promise. Then, at the midnight, I w

Things I would expect for this school year (And things I want to do)

♥️  ♥️ First for all, I was very nervous when I start my second year of junior high. It was unexpected that there were almost no new classmates, but that makes me being more confortable in the classroom. The things that I expect for this year are many, most of them probably they would not accomplish, but anyways I am gonna mention them. I want to increase my English level. It's one of the things that I do not pay many attention, so I want to start working on that, because for me English is the lenguajes that if you don't learn it, you will never comunicate with nobody. Also I hopped that it makes no difficulty fisics subject. In this time that I was taking fisics, I am worried because I thought that the exam would be a very hard one, so I hopped that my thoughts were completely false. Another thing I expect for this year, is too pass all the subjects, that are: Fisics, Math, Spanish, English, Informatic, Civics, and History. This subjects are the main ones that I will p

My Spring Vacation

❤️ First of all, I pack my stuff to go on a trip. My familiy bought me new clothes to wear in that places. My first trip was on Cuernavaca. I spend time with my family and I swim a lot. Also the food in Cuernavaca was delicious. Some days later it was my grandfather's birthday and to celebrated we travel to Acapulco. In the hotel I meet 3 cats and a beautifuol bird. Also I went to "la quebrada" and I eat many corns there. After that, I went to the hotel and I swim a lot with my family (again). Finally I come back to Puebla ❤️